Stop Youth Violence

Kellie Foundation exists to Empower communities to end youth violence, for this to become a reality, communities will need to work together and learn from one another. Our aims are to Educate, Engage and Enable communities to be the answer to the issue of youth violence in Sierra leone.

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Makeup Mama Salone

We are using Makeup as a hook to Empower teenage girls to build their confidence and give them a brighter future.

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Building Life Skills

To provide skills training to underprivileged young people to facilitate the provision of life-skills, vocational and technical training courses. To develop processes to enable youths to contribute to their families.

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Football Community Cohesion

We use the power of football to change the lives of young people.

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Youth & Agriculture

Encouraging youth involvement in agriculture and agribusiness. Youth should trained on modern ways of agriculture and agri-business immediately.

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Established to increase self-esteem, build confidence and wellbeing in young women and girls and ultimately inspire them to lead change in their communities through inclusive meaningful social action opportunities.

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Education & Social Inclusion

Giving recognition to and empowering local young people to take charge of the educational project for their own needs.

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Say No to Drug Abuse

NATIONAL JOGGING CAMPAIGN (SAY NO TO DRUG ABUSE) ■ Creating awareness as an approach for sensitisation in the fight against drug abuse in our community ■

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